
Thomas embarked on his journey in film production in 2019, embracing diverse roles within production crews, including director, editor, and sound recorder.
Notably, ERIC@UNI stands as Thomas's inaugural directorial project. This web series pilot narrates the captivating story of an international student from Hong Kong navigating the intricacies of Australian life. The premiere of this work on the 28th of October 2019 received widespread acclaim, marking a significant milestone in Thomas's filmmaking career.

Highlighted Works (2019-2021)
ERIC@UNI: A Web Series Pilot
Unperson is Thomas's final project at RMIT University. It tells the story of Richard Downland, who wakes up to find himself in an authoritarian world where he never existed. Without an identity of his own, he is forced to go on the run by two detectives sent to capture him.
The work has received warm-acclaim since its premiere in May 2021.

As a cinematographer, Thomas filmed Melbourne Vision, an RMIT and Federation Square’s Digital Facade collaboration project. His work is heavily influenced by Christopher Doyle, the legendary cinematographer.
MELBOURNE VISION: Fed Square's Digital Facade
Originally featured at Federation Square, this abstract masterpiece is complemented by the ethereal Andromeda soundtrack, composed by Thomas in 2017.
Sound Recordist

With previous experience in music education, Thomas is an excellent sound recordist.
Thomas has been experimenting with video editing since 2015. He is a creative editor who is influenced by various aesthetics and styles, such as vaporwave and retro-futurism.
Here are some videos edited by Thomas. Some of them are experimental while others are edited for academic purposes.